How to enter discount code

Special Offer!
AIA Vitality Plus Members
Enjoy a 100 Baht Registration Fee Discount

Simply enter “V” followed by the last 6 digits of your AIA Vitality membership number. You can check your membership number on the e-card in the AIA+ app.

How to enter discount code


Click the 'Register' button to sign up for the event.


Fill out the required field in the form.


Enter the last 6 digits of your AIA Vitality Plus number in the payment page (step 3).


  • New AIA Vitality Plus members can start enjoying the entry fee discount 3 business days after becoming an AIA Vitality Plus member.
  • Each AIA Vitality Plus member is eligible for one discount.
  • AIA Vitality rewards follow AIA’s terms and are subject to change. For details, please visit AIA+ app or